

Hello or Gidday ( as we say in Australia),
my name is Phil and I am interested in setting a Clydesdale club or concept in the small city I live in called Bundaberg. If you have a map of Australia Bundaberg is in the State of Queensland and is the southern point of the Great Barrier Reef. If you have any addresses of other Australian big blokes like me I would love to here from you. I enjoyed your web page and now have it on my favorites


Hi, Ed!

I just want to drop you a note of thanks. I am a moderately big guy 6"3", 240lb) and it is good to be able to read about your progress. I just got started in Triathlons in '96 and I had a motorcycle accident that side-tracked me until this year. (are you good at making excuses too?)

Anyway, I am currently about 40lbs overweight. If I want to be around 15% body fat, I need to be around 200lbs, which is where I was in '97 (almost). I am currently having (and have had in the past) great success losing unwanted body fat by reducing my intake of carbohydrates. In '96
I used the "Zone" diet to lose 25lbs and now I am using the diet prescribed by Dr. Atinks with great success. I have lost 7lbs this week and my blood sugar levels are stabilized. I feel great! Take it for what it's worth, but it is working for me.

Also, I am trying a new training method developed by Dr. Phil Maffetone and used by Tri greats such as Mike Pigg and Mark Allen. I just got started so it is too early to give a report. I am using a Polar Coach heart rate monitor with Mike Pigg's PC Coach s/w....we'll see.......

Good luck with your training!


Marty Ray
Sharpsville, IN

Ed -

While surfing I found you web site about Clydesdale runners. After much prodding on my part, the race director of the Plainfield Springfest Quarter Marathon has added a heavyweight division for this year's race on May 20. It is a small race, with division prizes generally being along the lines of a water bottle, but it is the only local heavyweight race I know of, so I am trying to support it. If you are interested, you can contact Jeff Banning at Banning Engineering during the day at 839-2581 or at banning@banning-eng.com.

Also, I run with a group (the Hilltop Runners) on Sunday mornings near the Eagle Creek Airport. A small group (in number) but some of us are 250+, so if you want to run with a couple of ultra heavyweights, you would be welcome to join us.

Also, if you know of any other heavyweight races near Indianapolis, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.

David Hughes

From: Jfd44118
To: Heavyracer

I am glad to see another site dedicated to Clydesdale. You have done an excellent job. I am looking to trade training tips with other real Clydesdale (225+). The rest of you are either ponies or thoroughbreds, take your pick!! On an Olympic course, my overall time is between 2:15 and 2:25 depending on the weather conditions. All training tips or schedules are appreciated.


From: BadderNU
To: Heavyracer

As a big guy (6'2", 292) I find great hope and motivation in your webpage. Though I am big I am not all that soft and am actually in fairly good shape. I have begun to train for my first tri and expect success. Just seeing others who are not 165# marathoners (my brother-in-law) is a boost. I will participate in a 50 mile fun ride soon and by summer I will be ready for my first sprint tri. Swimming is coming along well and I look forward to meeting other Clyde's here in San Diego. Keep up the good work.


Ed, Great web site.. Like you I top out at over 200lbs, have weighed as much as 242 and I'm currently floating around 210-220 and am sick of having to compete against sprinty little bastards. I live in Louisville and do about a 1:29 half marathon do you know of any half marathons with a clydesdale division? also any mountain/off road tris you can recommend? Thanks for your help..


You the Man!! I love your website. I havn't tried in 2 years but this year I'm going to venture out and do a couple on mini-tris. I'm 6'3" 259lbs. One of my goals is to weigh 205 by sept 18th. I plan on doing the Air force Marathon that date. I just want to do my best this year and have fun

Good luck


Can anyone help joe?
I'm looking for a clydesdale organization around the DC area. Do you know of any? ahnj@DynCorp.com

" I'm thoroughly enjoying your Clydesdale WebPages. As a Large athlete, I think its about time we get some  recognition........ I do appreciate all the work you and other Clydesdales are doing to further the idea that large people can be athletes....     
                                           CC Roth
                                            Renton WA


Ed...I'm looking forward to exploring your page as well as the other Clydesdale links you lead me to. It's amazing to me, just when you think you are basically alone in the world...I'm 33 years old 6"4" (played college football). Last year , after watching Darrell Haley come out of the water at Koni, I knew I had to try-a-tri....Thanks for the effort..

Nice web site. It is nice to see somebody putting something out there for us big guys. I am competing in my 1st triathlon in May. Its a sprint at Cypress Gardens. I am 29,6'5" and look to be racing at 265. I started At 306 so I'm pretty happy. My optimal weight is around 240. Again thanks for the web site..
                                                   E. Reed

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Last modified: May 10, 2000